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How many of you are terrified at the idea of doing mouth-to-mouth recusitation on strangers? We’ve all seen the doctor TV shows when people drop on the streets from a heart attack, and bystanders start basic life support (hopefully). It’s always a dramatic scene of pounding on the chest and mouth to mouth breathing. Unfortunately, a more real-life scenario involves someone falling down — and a crowd of people watch and do nothing. Well, I’m happy to say that it’s now a lot easier to be a good samaritan and help someone; it’s now official that mouth-to-mouth rescue breaths areĀ notĀ the top priority; the chest compressions are key. More specifically, the previous guidelines of A-B-C (airway — breathing — compression) are now C-A-B (compression — airway — breathing).
What that means is that, when you see someone who needs CPR and you’ve called for help, you start chest compresions first. Don’t stress out about the mouth-to-mouth and getting hepatitis and all that. Just start pushing on their chest as the video below describes — it’s a lot better than nothing, and it may save the life of a loved one.
Here’s a quick 3-minute video from the American Heart Association (with Chinese subtitles) which may save someone’s life. If you cannot see the video below,Ā please click here.
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