Category Archives: Illness

Cracking Knuckles: Does It Cause Arthritis?

A few weeks ago an 8-year old patient stumped me with a wonderfully refreshing question: is it bad to crack your knuckles? Well, these common-sense questions aren’t taught in medical school, so I dug around and found the answers. First, from the Naked Scientists Discussion Forum is a description of what actually makes the popping sound:

The reason that joints “crack” is that when you pull on them, or put the joint into a certain position, the pressure drops within the synovial fluid that lubricates the joint.

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Plastic: What's The Data? Does it Really Cause Cancer & Infertility?

There’s been a lot of recent press regarding plastics and their possible effects on health. Many parents know about the 2007-8 recalls of baby bottles made of polycarbonate plastic Bisphenol A (BPA). This was mostly in response to newer studies, including a review in JAMA, showing an association (but not causation) between BPA exposure and increased risk in heart disease and diabetes, among other diseases.… Read the rest