Category Archives: Public health

Just What Is A "Harmless" Radiation Dose? And Why is the EPA's Radiation Website So Unfriendly?

The US Environmental Protection Agency’s Daily Data Summary continues to say that the “EPA’s RadNet radiation air monitors across the U.S. show typical fluctuations in background radiation levels. The levels detected are far below levels of concern”; also mentioning that, “as the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has said, we do not expect to see radiation at harmful levels reaching the U.S.… Read the rest

Meatless Mondays — Can You Handle It?

I love meat. Looooove it. I would never consider going full vegan. At least, I’ve always said that, until…

…until a couple weeks ago when I was in Carrefour’s meat section, doing my usual food shopping. For some strange reason, I kept staring at this messy pile of plucked chickens, with small tufts of hair still sticking out here and there.… Read the rest

Table Salt Can Kill You: New Warnings From WHO

People are still talking about taking iodized table salt as an effective anti-radiation antidote, but yesterday the World Health Organization specifically warned everyone outside of Japan against self-medicating at this time with any iodine-containing substance as protection from radiation exposure. As I was saying yesterday, people would need dozens of tablespoons of salt each day to reach the proper and proven dose of potassium iodide.… Read the rest

Table Salt Instead of Potassium Iodide for Radiation Protection? No Way

I’m starting today to hear about a buying spree for table salt, as some people are hearing that table salt, which has added iodine, is a “healthier” way than potassium iodide pills to counter radiation exposure. Does this make sense? Actually, no, it doesn’t — in order to get the equivalent 130mg dose of potassium iodide that is usually recommended for adults during a radiation crisis, a person would have to eat 250 tablespoons of iodized table salt each day.… Read the rest