Category Archives: Wellness

Multivitamins: Again, Studies Show They Are Useless For Most of Us

I’ve blogged a couple of times about this, and now a trio of studies seriously underscores what I previously mentioned: a multivitamin is a waste of money for the vast majority of people taking them. Including myself.

I actually had stopped taking them a couple of years ago but recently restarted — not for any particularly good reason, I admit.… Read the rest

Health Checks: Does Anyone Need An Annual Physical?

annual tailored health check

Do most of us need an annual health check at the doctor’s office? You may think this to be a very silly question, especially coming from me a family doctor who constantly discusses preventive medicine in my articles. I love to see my patients every year just to check in and make sure they are living a healthy lifestyle, as well as to offer a “medical tune up.”… Read the rest

Activity Trackers: A Review of Fitbit, Jawbone and Nike

My long term readers know that I’m not exactly a fitness fanatic, and my waistline has just jumped over a horrible milestone of over 100 centimeters. (maybe sharing my humiliation will motivate me…) I desperately need inspiration to keep me fitter, and I’m also a tech geek, so I’ve been very excited with the burgeoning quantified self movement.… Read the rest