Cancer is one of the last great scourges of humanity, and modern medicine has designed many tests that can screen for cancers. The most popular are mammograms for women, and prostate checks for men. The whole point of a screening test is to do as little harm as possible, to detect something that can be treated, and overall society would benefit from less of this disease.… Read the rest
Does Green Runny Nose = Antibiotic Rx?
It’s a popular misconception among not just the population but also many doctors, that a greenish runny nose = bacterial infection = antibiotics. Well, it’s not true! As this fun New York Times article reviews, the color is more a sign of clumps of your body’s infection-fighting white cells as well as colorful shades of your normal nose bacteria.… Read the rest
Good News For Pregnant Moms: Seasonal Flu Vaccine Protects Your Baby
There is now even more good news about the seasonal flu vaccine and how it can prevent severe infections in pregnant women. As I’ve said before, pregnant women and infants are at most risk of complications from the flu (even more from H1N1), and both groups are strongly recommended to get the annual flu shot.… Read the rest
Psst, Hey You. Want To Prevent Diabetes? Here's The Secret…
Ready for the secret? OK, here goes:
Lose weight, eat well and exercise!
Oh, sorry, you already knew that? And it seems pretty obvious as well? And yet, if everyone knows this, then why is diabetes the epidemic that it is?… Read the rest
Today Is World Pneumonia Day
Pneumonia is a disease of the lungs, usually a serious infection from a virus or bacteria. Healthy adults can usually recover well with outpatient antibiotics, but the elderly and youngest are most vulnerable to serious complications. For example, pneumonia is the #1 cause of death in the elderly from flu, and also is the worldwide #1 killer of children under 5 years.… Read the rest
Can Garlic Help Fight Off A Cold?
The weather is turning colder and flu season is ramping up. There is precious little that Western medicine can offer to fight off the common cold, so it’s good to review what natural medicines and foods actually help. I previously wrote about chicken soup and easy non-food prevention tips; now let’s discuss garlic.… Read the rest