Drinking a cold Coca Cola in the summer can be wonderfully refreshing, but it’s far too easy for children and teens to drink too much soda. The American Dietetic Association recommends a maximum of three 12oz cans a week. Americans are estimated to drink one 12oz can every day – but many drink much more than that, setting themselves up for major health problems.… Read the rest
Category Archives: Children
What’s All The Fuss About Sunscreen Danger?
I’ve noticed a big increase this summer in news reports about “dangerous” sunscreens, so I’ve been digging around to find out what the fuss is about. Apparently this media fuss starts each spring with the annual sunscreen report from the Environmental Working Group.… Read the rest
Not Sleeping Well? Here Are Some Tips
I see a lot of adults and teens in my clinic who are chronically tired and have troubles sleeping — both falling asleep and staying asleep. There are many reasons for sleep problems, but I do see some common causes:
Stress and overwork.… Read the rest
Nervous About Vaccine Safety? I Hope This IOM Report Reassures You
A hot news story this fall was from California, where students were forced to get the pertussis booster vaccine or they won’t be allowed in school. This new law was pushed because of a pertussis epidemic which has already killed 11 children, especially in areas like Marin county where vaccination rates had slumped.… Read the rest
Seat Belts: Are You Sure Your Child Is Strapped in Correctly? Maybe Not…
In our busy lives, it’s easy to be distracted from the basics of safety — take seat belts, for example. Studies show that a surprisingly high number of kids are not strapped in correctly. And all over the world, thousands of kids are still injured and killed needlessly from improper car seat restraints.… Read the rest
The Flu Vaccine: Do You Need It This Year?
It’s that time of year again: flu shot season! Yes, your offices and schools are filled with plans for “flu shot days”. I’m sure you’re debating right now whether or not you or your kids need it. So, here’s my tip on the flu vaccine: It’s basically the same advice I gave last year, which is also consistent with the U.S.… Read the rest