Category Archives: Wellness

There’s a Good Reason You Can’t Lose Weight: Your Hormones Won’t Let You

obesity leptin ghrelinObesity is a major health crisis all over the world now, and it’s clear both to patients and to doctors that losing weight — and keeping it off — is incredibly difficult. Unfortunately there’s growing evidence why this is so: when you diet, your body’s hormones go into a permanent “fasting” state which never really reset after the ideal weight is achieved.… Read the rest

High Cholesterol Hits Home…



I’m in America right now, visiting my family for the first time in over a year. I’ve been having a wonderful time with them – right up until my older brother casually told me how, a year ago, his cholesterol was checked for the first time and “something was high, like I think my triglycerides were over 800, and my good cholesterol was low, and my total was over 300.… Read the rest