I see a lot of adults and teens in my clinic who are chronically tired and have troubles sleeping — both falling asleep and staying asleep. There are many reasons for sleep problems, but I do see some common causes:
December’s long nights are here, and while our holiday preparations can be exciting, many people feel stressed and depressed during these long winter months. Some people who tend towards depression may have worse symptoms; others have what is called “seasonal affective disorder”, or SAD.… Read the rest
I’m in America right now, visiting my family for the first time in over a year. I’ve been having a wonderful time with them – right up until my older brother casually told me how, a year ago, his cholesterol was checked for the first time and “something was high, like I think my triglycerides were over 800, and my good cholesterol was low, and my total was over 300.… Read the rest
How many of you use Twitter to find health information? I have a Twitter account to spread information, but here in China I cannot access it, so I’ve become a big fan of Weibo, China’s microblogging website that is similar — but far superior — to Twitter (my Weibo account is here; my screen name is “医生圣西睿智Richard”).… Read the rest
I must now confess to everyone that I am addicted. Yes, people, my body craves for my daily fix. And when I take it, my body feels healthier. What is my burden? Vinegar!
This is definitely one of the stranger habits I’ve picked up in China, but somewhere along these three years I started to love the taste of good vinegar, especially apple vinegar. … Read the rest