Category Archives: Wellness

Your Health in 2010: Any Major Changes? Here Are Mine…

So how was your 2010, health-wise? Do you feel more or less healthy? For me personally, it was a continuing slow improvement of my overall wellness, and I continue to be fortunate in having no major illnesses. I did make a few changes which I’d like to share with readers (and perhaps you can share your changes in the comments section under the article):

Change #1: I stopped taking a multivitamin.Read the rest

My Top Wellness Tips For 2010

Most of my website’s posts can be divided up into three categories: public health; disease; and wellness articles. My public health articles (AKA pollution) get the most hits, but I’m more partial to my wellness posts. Here are my choices for 2010’s top wellness tips:

  1. Vitamin D: It’s The New Black — One of many posts this year on vitamin D, I highlight the research that suggests how all of us may benefit from this supplement — especially in the winter!
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