Thick, Greenish Runny Nose = Antibiotics? No, It Doesn't…

runnynose2It’s a popular misconception among not just the population but also many doctors, that a greenish runny nose = bacterial infection = the need to take prescription antibiotics. Well,  it’s not true! As this fun New York Times article reviews, the color is more a sign of clumps of  your body’s infection-fighting white cells as well as colorful shades of your normal nose bacteria.… Read the rest

Veggies Are Healthy — Depending on How You Prepare Them…

It’s pretty obvious to everyone that fruits and vegetables are an essential part of a healthy diet. But do you know exactly how much nutrition is lost from peeling? How about boiling versus stir-fry? You can find most the the answers in yet another very useful study from the Hong Kong Centre for Food Safety, this time reviewing asian fruits and vegetables (Centre for Food Safety – Risk Assessment Studies – Nutrient Values of Fruit and Vegetables) I think it’s a great, readable PDF for all to print out and share with colleagues and family.… Read the rest

Chicken Soup: Can It Really Fight A Cold?

chickensoupSo was your mother actually correct in telling you to finish your chicken soup because it’s good for you? Perhaps.

Chicken soup has been considered an aid to the common cold and flu for centuries, by many cultures. In 2001 an interesting research paper (link at bottom of post) showed that chicken soup actually slowed down neutrophil activity and movements in test tubes.… Read the rest

A board-certified family doctor since 2001.