(The following is a first article from a new contributor, Dr. David Zhang. David is an American Chiropractic and Chinese medicine doctor at my clinic, the International Medical Center in Beijing)
Christmas is over – the children have returned to school.… Read the rest
Those of you with high cholesterol will be happy to learn that there are some legitimate options to your statin pills. Many people cannot tolerate the extremely popular statin pills, especially from side effects of muscle aches. But there’s now some very strong evidence that herbal medicines, including red yeast rice, can be at least as effective as a statin, and without the side effects.… Read the rest
Do you or a loved one suffer from arthritis pains? Arthritis is common for many people, especially as we get older and add wear and tear to our joints. Elderly people are also at higher risk of falls. So anything to help decrease pain and fall risk, as well as help your quality of life, is more than welcome.… Read the rest
Last week, I discussed Chinese herbs and the flu, and the difficulties I had in finding excellent studies either for or against their effectiveness. After that post, I was introduced to Dr Greg Livingston, an American doctor trained in Chinese Medicine and practicing in Hangzhou.… Read the rest
Everyone knows that there is very little that Western medicine can offer for the common cold and flu. And every Chinese person is similarly convinced that famous Chinese medicines like ban lan gan ke li, yin qiao jie du pian, or gan mao qing re ke li work really well for similar symptoms.… Read the rest
A board-certified family doctor since 2001.