I must now confess to everyone that I am addicted. Yes, people, my body craves for my daily fix. And when I take it, my body feels healthier. What is my burden? Vinegar!
This is definitely one of the stranger habits I’ve picked up in China, but somewhere along these three years I started to love the taste of good vinegar, especially apple vinegar. … Read the rest
Food allergies in children, as a diagnosis, are more common than before. But are we over-diagnosing? The main issue is that the tests we perform, especially the blood tests for allergens, may show a positive “in vitro” allergy but “in vivo”, AKA in real life, there may not be a clinically significant allergy.… Read the rest
Have you ever wondered just how healthy is a morning Chinese breakfast of zhou (congee, in Hong Kong)? What about most noodle and rice dishes? Yet again, the Hong Kong Centre for Food Safety has given us the data.
This issue is very relevant all over Asia, as these are major staples in a majority of diets, both for breakfast and for lunch.… Read the rest
I love dim sum, and although it’s too bad that Beijing doesn’t serve it in the charming style of wheeling around carts, it still is a great tasting weekend brunch. I’ve always wondered about the oil content and feel a bit too heavy if I don’t also drink tea.… Read the rest
Soy milk has been popular in Asia for thousands of years, and is much more common than cow milk. Are there different health effects? There is a lot of differing information out there, but some recent scholarly reviews help to find some answers.… Read the rest